Our Heritage

Athens UPC has enjoyed the leadership of some of the most gifted and anointed ministers in the United Pentecostal Church. Out of Athens has come countless ministers, musicians, pastors, and other leadership roles.
We are so blessed to be moving forward into a greater revival each day but it would not have been possible without the countless prayers of those who have labored before us and to whom we owe so much. We hope to have this page fully functioning in the near future in order to better honor those who have given their lives to the Gospel through their service at Athens UPC.
We are so blessed to be moving forward into a greater revival each day but it would not have been possible without the countless prayers of those who have labored before us and to whom we owe so much. We hope to have this page fully functioning in the near future in order to better honor those who have given their lives to the Gospel through their service at Athens UPC.